A Legacy of Charity

Another January has come and gone!  I hope we all took a moment and thought about the coming year… if not to make resolutions, then at least to rededicate ourselves to being more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.

It was with mixed feeling that I heard the news of President Thomas S. Monson’s passing on January 2.  He was truly a great man and Prophet of God.  He’ll be missed and remembered for his selfless service.  It was comforting to see the new Presidency established.  President Nelson, President Oaks, and President Eyring… to paraphrase a scripture: If God (and his Prophets) be for us, who can be against us!

January saw the implementation of a new curriculum for Relief Society and Priesthood quorums.  It’s a big change and will likely take some getting used to as we strive to follow this inspired counsel.  If you haven’t had the chance yet, check out the last few pages of the November Ensign: Come Follow Me – For Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society.  It’s full of good information on why the change, and how it will improve our class experiences.  There’s also a great article in January’s Ensign: To Sit in Council.

All of that leads nicely into February’s theme: Charity.  President Monson was my hero and example when it comes to Charity.  He taught it.  He lived it.  He helped show us how we can have “the pure love of Christ” more fully in our own lives, and how to share that love with others. I end with his words from April General Conference:

“Let us examine our lives and determine to follow the Savior’s example by being kind, loving, and charitable. And as we do so, we will be in a better position to call down the powers of heaven for ourselves, for our families, and for our fellow travelers in this sometimes difficult journey back to our heavenly home. I so pray in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, amen.”

Brother Walker, 2nd Counselor

It takes a ward/family …

Most people know about the accident that I had three and a half years ago. It had been around six months since the accident and I was asked an interesting question.  Alyssa Wolf and I were talking about it, and she asked me if I had learned anything from my experience. Aside from not riding a bike at night without a helmet, I told her that I had. Our ward is the most giving and charitable ward that I have ever been in. That’s saying a lot because we have been in three wards just in Mt. Pleasant. Our ward fed our family for two months while I was healing after I got home. I had many visitors. Angie Jorgensen brought me a bunch of videos to borrow and watch, which was great because sometimes the days were very long. Sue Johansen brought me a fan because we don’t have air conditioning. I was working at the Drive-In at the time and Molly Anderson and all the employees that I work with gave me part of their checks for the rest of the summer. There were countless others who visited me in the ICU, even when I was unconscious and I found out later that they had been there to see how I was doing. I know I will never be able to repay all that everyone did for me, and I am thankful for this opportunity to thank this wonderful ward. You are truly Christ-like. Sometimes it is hard to accept charity, but it was humbling and deeply appreciated.

Crystal Bailey

Elder Applegarth – February 2018

Mission Office Address PO Box 263 Freetown Sierra Leone

Spencer continues to enjoy serving the good people in Sierra Leone.  He is continuing to train a new missionary and he really loves his companion.  He indicated that his companion is a hard worker and enjoys the work.  The following is an excerpt from Spencer’s last e-mail:

We had almost a full day of contacting, and man I hate that. Towards the end of the day I was tired, but I saw some little kids playing around so we went over and started playing with them. Playing with a white man started the kids being super loud.  We were having a ton of fun and all of a sudden a man from inside the house yells at us to shut up.  You could hear him walking out to probably beat the kids, but when he saw me he didn’t know what to do.  I said to him “sorry sir I was just having some fun with your kids” then continued to explain to him who I was and what I did.  He invited us into the house and we had an amazing first discussion with him. The spirit was so dang strong! It turns out that he is a catholic but is doubtful about the religion and has been looking for another church for a while.  It just goes to show that God really does use what you love and your talents to bring others unto Christ!!

Bishop Applegarth

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Sister Ison – February 2018

Vancouver Washington Mission Office Address 2223 NW 99th St. Vancouver WA 98665

She was able to stay one more transfer with her trainer Sister Phillips; and they were ecstatic! They now have 4 people set for baptism, so they knew they needed to stay together because they had work to do.  They are seeing tons of miracles in finding people to teach especially through social media. She is so grateful for the opportunity she has to serve a mission and she absolutely loves Washington.  Here is a little piece of her email…

Things here are honestly so great! I really want to stay here in Mountain View another transfer or two! I wouldn’t mind spending half of my mission in Mountain View! It’s awesome and I love it!  I love this work out here and the people!

Kristie Ison

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Elder Jessee – February 2018

Mission Office 29 Wiryeseong-daero 22-gil (Ogeum-dong) Songpa-gu Seoul-teukbyeolsi 05655 South Korea  

새복 많이 받으세요! Happy New Year 2018!! 2017 was a blur, but what an incredible year it was. The year I was a missionary for the full year, what a blessing. I learned so many things that I will be able to take for the rest of my life. It was truly a blessing. This year I was able to see two investigators I taught enter the waters of Baptism and make a covenant with God that as long as they would try to keep His commandments and follow the Savior they would always have the Spirit and receive eternal life. I saw two men change their lives to follow the Savior, and in turn they changed mine.

In the year of 2017, I learned about the power of Jesus Christ’s Atonement and more about repentance as well as forgiveness. I learned more about: the Saviors’ earthly ministry, the miracles He performed, the temptations He resisted, and the example He set. I came to yearn more to become like Christ in all I do. I learned more of why trials and challenges are necessary in our striving to become better disciples of the Son of God. I came to understand, on a deeper level, why Christ died for us; which increased my gratitude toward our Heavenly Father for sending His Only Begotten Son and how hard it must have been for Him to do so. Because of Their LOVE for us, we are eternally blessed. I have come to love the people of Korea. I pray for them daily which increases my desire for their salvation. I am trying to become like the prophets of old, who literally wet their pillow at night for their people. What a special opportunity I have to be serving a mission and bringing others unto Christ. These things, and so many others, I have learned this year. My gratitude is so full; I love this gospel!

Today we started the New Year by getting up as a house, all 7 of us, at 5:30 am to hike to the top of the highest mountain near our house. Something that a lot of Koreans do on the morning of the New Year is hike to the top of a mountain and watch the sunrise, so that is what we did. Watched the rising of a new year. I brought my Book of Mormon and read a little while waiting for the sun to rise. What a great experience that was.

On Saturday night we received transfer calls! I have been called to a new area! My 4th on my mission. It is called 부천 bucheon. President has asked me to be Zone Leader; and my new companion is a native named elder Kim Ji Heyun. He has been on his mission for about 10 months. It looks like I will be speaking a lot of Korean these days.. haha really excited. I have heard nothing but good things about my next companion. This means I finished training Elder Diaz… Time has flown by. I am in my 11th Transfer now. As missionaries we serve 16, so I have got 6 left. Ready to give it all I got to the Lord.

Elder Jessee

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Elder Seely – February 2018

California Redlands Mission Office Address 7000 Central Ave Highland CA 92346

On Sunday January 28th some of the missionary mothers gave reports about their sons. One of them was Sister Seely. Here are some of the highlights she shared.

Elder Seely has been out for 15 months. He is currently serving in Yucaipa as a zone leader and has 3 people with baptismal dates. The Redlands Mission is participating in a Facebook pilot program for The Church. This has enabled them to integrate technology more into their teaching. An example of this was a lesson he had with a lady on FaceTime that had a member present who was currently driving somewhere else. He is working with one of his investigators with The Word of Wisdom. He promised them if they gave up their habits he would give up Oreos, and he now thinks he is dying from the lack.

He had a great opportunity to give service by cleaning the temple. He had an experience when he was depressed and read The Book of Mormon and it completely changed his outlook. Some of The Church leaders visited Googles headquarters and worked with them to make Mormon.org more prevalent when questions of the soul are searched for. For Thanksgiving he was at a Samoan house. He had a contest with the other elders that went, and won. They bet on who could gain the most from that one meal. He returned to his apartment 6 pounds heavier. He looks forward to continuing bringing gospel to others lives

February 2018 – Lesson Schedule

February 4th – Gospel Doctrine: Lesson 5: If Thou Doest Well, Thou Shalt Be Accepted -Relief Society, High Priests, & Elder’s Quorum: Council Meeting

February 11th – Gospel Doctrine: Lesson 6: Noah … Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House, Relief Society: Value Beyond Measure – Joy D. Jones – Priesthood: October General Conference Message

February 18th Stake Conference

February 25th – Gospel Doctrine: Lesson 7: The Abrahamic Covenant – Relief Society, High Priests, & Elder’s Quorum: Sabbath Day Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath

The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis

There is a book that has always intimidated me, but that I have always wanted to read. It is not a very big book. But, I knew that when I read it there would be so many insights given that I would never catch them all. And I was right! Luckily, the Mt. Pleasant Public Library chose it for their book club book for the month of February (You can still read it and join!! Monday, February 12, 10 -11 am at the library.) The book is: The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis.

Screwtape is a devil who writes letters to his nephew, Wormwood, giving advice on how to get his “patient” to not follow God (“the enemy”). Of course, this gives a good blueprint on how to follow God. Have fun reading and learning!!

Sister Becky Zundel

